Prevention Of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Cell
As per the guidelines of UGC, NAAC and the Supreme Court, the Women Anti Harassment Cell has been established by our Institute to provide a healthy and congenial atmosphere to the female staff members and students of the Institute. Our Institute is a co-educational institution. It provides opportunities for both boys and girls to develop their leadership qualities. However, There are a large number of women who work hand in hand with men here. Hence, any unwelcome sexually motivated behavior, whether directly or by implication involving physical contact or advances, demand for sexual favours, sexually spoiled remarks, and other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal expressions of a sexual nature which affects their right to work in a congenial environment at the workplace are strictly observed and severely punished. This cell aims at sensitizing the students and staff and working diligently to prevent sexual harassment in the Institute. Complaints of sexual harassment shall be lodged with the Committee and appropriate disciplinary action shall be initiated by the members by the rules and regulations of the Institute.
- Complaints made in any case of sexual harassment whether it is through words, expression or direct physical activity shall be taken seriously.
- Action shall be taken by the Internal Complaint Committee on receiving complaints by the female students and other women employees.
- Effort shall be made to create an atmosphere where every Professor, employee and student can work freely without any mental pressure.
- To make the Institute not to inculcate gender bias.
- To prohibit in the Campus, any sort of loose comments/remarks or disgraceful behavior.
- To prohibit ragging on Institute campus or in hostel.
- A programme of extra-mural activities, e.g., drama, debates, quizzes etc. should be planned for every evening of the first month of the opening of the term so that students shall remain engaged in constructive activities and shall have little time for pranks. These activities will also help new comers to get adjusted to the new environment.
- To carry out regular health check-ups for girl students.
Member Name
Position in Committee
Dr. Savitha Lakkol
Professor In finance
Presiding Officer
Ms. Shantika U M
Manager HR and Legal
Mr. Ashwin Kumar
Head HR
Ms. Jaya Bose
Deputy Manager - PGDM
Ms. Swapna Rani
Executive Admission
Ms. Shailashree
External Member
Establishment of 24×7 women helpline number and a security system in the campus for providing safety to students and female faculty and non-teaching faculty.
Phone Number: 9880238100
SC/ST Committee
SC/ST Committee has been Constituted in the Institute as per the Statutory Requirements and Resolve the Issues Related to the SC-ST Employees and Students of the Institute. The primary focus of SC-ST Employees and Students of the Institute is to empower students who belong to the schedule committee was formed with the intention to implement various schemes meant for educational purpose through the institutional policies which provide importance to social justice, economic welfare, and social defense.
- To implement the reservation facilities for SC/STs in the college.
- Assisting SC/ST students in accessing scholarships, financial aid, and other support schemes.
- To take such follow up measures for achieving the objectives and targets laid down for the purpose by the Government of India and the UGC.
- To implement, monitor and evaluate continuously the reservation policy in the college and plan measures for ensuring effective implementation of the policy and program me of the Government of India.
- To guide the SC/ST students of the institute, to optimally utilize the benefits of the schemes offered by the State Government, Government of India (GOI) and UGC/AICTE
- To organize interactive sessions and informal meetings with students to attend to their personal, social and academic problems/ needs.
- To address any grievance of SC/ST students and staff of the institute.
- Advising the institute on policies and measures to promote diversity, equality, and social justice within the campus.
- Addressing complaints, grievances, and instances of discrimination against SC/ST individuals and taking appropriate action.
- Providing guidance and counseling to SC/ST students on academic matters, career development, and personal well-being.
Member Name
Position in Committee
Dr. Nandeesh V Hiremath
Mr. Anandanayaka S G
Dr. V S Pai
Senior Professor
Dr. Nagaraj B V
Dean Academics
Dr. A. Vinay Bhushan
Dean Admin
Dr. Savita G L
Senior Professor
Dr. Chetan V Hiremath
Associate Professor
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Satpathy
Associate Professor
Dr. Arthur Fernandes
Associate Professor
Prof. Nitin Appajirao Salunkhe
Associate Professor
Prof. Shantika Murdeshwar
Associate Professor
Dr. Ravi Kumar. C
Associate Professor
Dr. Aniruddha Rao
Associate Professor
Anti Ragging Committee
The All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi vide its Notification no. 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated 25-03-2009 has taken a very serious view of ragging incidences in educational institutions and on Directions of the Honorable Supreme Court of India vide its Order dated 16.5.2007 has ordered strict implementation of rules & regulations for Prevention and prohibition of Ragging
- To prohibit students from teasing, treating any student being rude or handling any fresher ill-mannered either by actions or words or through writings.
- To make students know about the consequences of ragging.
- To take such follow up measures for achieving the objectives and targets laid down for the purpose by the Government of India and the UGC.
- To take an immediate action against the student who indulges in ragging.
Member Name
Position in Committee
Dr. Nandeesh V Hiremath
Mr. K T Nagaraj
Hostel Warden
Mr. N P Parameshwarappa
Manager - Civil & Estate
Member (Civil Administration)
Mr. Vijay Kumar
Asst. Police Sub-Inspector
Member (Police Dept)
Ms. Shailashree
NGO (Involved in Youth Activities)
Member NGO
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Satpathy
Associate Professor
Representative of Faculty Members
Mrs. Kamalakshi Bai
House Maker
Representative of Parents
Mr. Suhas S
PGDM – 2nd Year
Representatives of Students
Ms. Nivedita Bai K
PGDM – 2nd Year
Representatives of Students
Mr. Ashish Jha
PGDM – 1st Year
Representatives of Students
Ms. Kanishka S
PGDM – 1st Year
Representatives of Students
Mr. Raghavendra K Dixit
Manager - Logistics & Admin
Non-Teaching Staff
Grievance Redressal Committee
On imparting Management education, it’s our foremost care to consider comfort of all stake holders to keep amicable environment on the campus. Our Institution has the practice of transparency, justice and professional ethics in all happenings so that stake holders are not grieved. Staff grievance and redressal committee is to deal with the discontent, dissatisfaction expressed in person or through formal written complaint.
Generally Grievant means a student, parent, staff member, group of students or staff members or combination of any of these stakeholders of the institution.
- To develop an organizational framework to resolve Grievances of Students and other stakeholders
- To provide the Students access to immediate, hassle free recourse to have their Grievances redressed
- To enlighten the Students on their duties and responsibilities to access benefits due under the policies
- To establish structured interactions with Students to elicit information on their expectations
Member Name
Position in Committee
Dr. Nandeesh V Hiremath
Chairman: Head of the Institution
Mr. Raghavendra
Manager Admin and Logistics
Dr. Rajesh Satpathy
Dean Student Affairs
Teachers to represent all level
Mr. Ashwin
Head HR
One member from the Management
Dr. Vinay Bhushan
Dean Admin
Few Senior Administrative Officers
Ms. Dhruvi
One nominee each from Students
Mr. Sanjay S. Batch
One nominee each from Alumni
Mr. Subba Rao
Lakshmi Foundry, Harihar
One nominee each from Employers /Industrialists/Stakeholders
Dr. Savitha G Lakkol
IQAC Coordinator
One of the senior teachers as the coordinator/Director of the IQAC
Equal Opportunity Committee:
This committee aims to provide equal opportunity to all irrespective of the caste, creed, gender. This is formed to uphold article 15 of the Constitution giving an opportunity to all to be treated equally. To curb discrimination in the institution. To implement right policies, allot task to every person interested without creating any discrimination among students and staff.
- To ensure equity and equal opportunity to the community at large in the Institute and bring about social harmony.
- To recommend measures to enhance the diversity among the students and employees and at the same time foster the principle of equality.
- To create congenial atmosphere for academic interaction and for the growth of healthy interpersonal relationships among the students coming from various social background.
- To make efforts to sensitize the academic community regarding the problems associated with social exclusion as well as aspirations of the marginalized
- To look into the grievances of the discrimination of any kind and suggest amicable
- To disseminate the information related to schemes and programmes, notifications/memoranda, office orders of the Government, or other related agencies/organizations issued from time to time for the welfare of the socially weaker
- To prepare barrier free formalities/procedures for admission/ registration of students belonging to the disadvantaged groups of
- To establish coordination with the Government and other agencies/organizations to mobilize academic and financial resources to provide assistance to students of the disadvantaged groups.
- To coordinate and work with other statutory bodies of the College for the benefit of disadvantaged
- To bring awareness about problems faced by disadvantaged groups and methods to eradicate the same.
The Institute upholds the following:
1. Advocating and upholding fundamental human rights, in particular the principle of equal opportunity, on a sustainable basis for a human civilization and encouraging all employee and students to understand and accept their moral responsibilities as educated, informed, tolerant citizens of their own societies and of the wider international community.
2. Sustaining a diverse, harmonious scholarly community committed to equity and merit as fundamental principles encouraging and assisting employee and students to realize their full potential;
3. maintaining a safe, rewarding, environmentally sustainable learning and working environment for the College
Member Name
Position in Committee
Dr. Nandeesh V Hiremath
Mr. Prakash Surakod
Mr. Guttesh. H N
Member - SC/ST Rep
Ms. Jaya Bose
Dy. Manager PGDM-1
Member - Women Rep
Mr. K T Nagaraj
Executive Admissions
Member - OBC Rep
Mr. Rajesh Dixit
Manager, Corporate Relations
Member - Person with disability
Dr. A Vinay Bhushan
Dean Admin
Member - General
Mr. R Darshan
Students Batch 27
Student Members
Ms. Pavitra A S
Students Batch 27
Student Members